Fall 2021 Shows
What’s on stage in 2021?
See what your favorite theatre or dance company is up to, or find some new favorites.
Shows are listed by company and month of start date, so be sure to browse the previous month for longer-running or months-spanning shows. Companies with primary showings outside of Seattle will have primary location noted. (Listings are currently limited to those based in King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Thurston Counties.)
(Jump to letter)
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
December: Theater Anonymous: It’s a Wonderful Livestream (online, 12/11)
November: The Woolgatherer (11/4-7); Animal Saints and Animal Sinners 2 (11/11-13); Diary of a Madman (from Lowbrow Opera Collective, 11/17-21); Peter Antoniou: Work in Progress (11/27)
December: Sugar Plum Gary (12/9-24)
Currently, all shows offer both in-person and livestream options.
The 5th Avenue Theatre / view company profile here
Returning in January 2022
December: A Christmas Carol (12/7-26)
Akropolis Performance Lab (Lake Forest Park)
None scheduled
Albatross Theatre Laboratory / view company profile here
None scheduled
None scheduled; website is inactive
Annex Theatre / view company profile here
None scheduled
November: We’ve Battled Monsters Before (11/26-12/26)
In-person and online viewing options both available
As If Theatre Company (Kenmore) / view company profile here
Returning March 2022
November: All Together Now! (11/13-14)
Returning January 2022
Book-It Repertory Theatre / view company profile here
October: Zen and the Art of an Android Beatdown (audio play; available beginning 10/12)
November: The Three Musketeers (audio play; available beginning 11/23)
Currently, all shows are online-only format.
Burien Actors Theatre (Burien)
None scheduled
Café Nordo / view company profile here
October: Curiouser and Curiouser (10/28-12/19)
Can Can Culinary Cabaret (note new location)
November: Masquerade (11/4-28)
December: Wonderland (12/2-1/9); Wonderland Christmas Eve Soiree (12/24); Wonderland New Year’s Eve Celebration (12/31)
Carco Theatre (Renton)
None scheduled
Centerstage Theatre (Federal Way)
November: Puss in Boots (11/27-12/19)
Central District Forum for Arts & Ideas
None scheduled
The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest (Tacoma) / view company profile here
November: All Together Now! (11/12-14, in Bremerton)
None scheduled
Cornish College of the Arts Theatre & Dance
December: Streaming Theater Festival (available 12/2-12) (includes She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms; Pippin; Tiger Beat; Senior Cabaret; Senior Thesis Productions)
December: Much Ado About Nothing (12/11-19)
No performances scheduled; see website for panels and other events
Dukesbay Productions (Tacoma)
Returning March 2022
None scheduled
Edmonds Community College Black Box Theatre (Edmonds)
No theatre scheduled; see website for other events
Edmonds Driftwood Players (Edmonds)
December: It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Play (12/2-19)
November: Fermín’s Great Book of Dreams (11/5-14)
None scheduled; website is inactive
Company has moved out of the region
None scheduled
None scheduled; website is inactive
None scheduled
GreenStage (summer seasonal)
None scheduled
None scheduled
Harlequin Productions (Olympia)
October: Tenderly (10/22-11/20); Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar and Grill (10/29-11/27)
November: Until the Flood (11/5-12/4); A Christmas Carol (11/26-12/31)
None scheduled
Intersections (annual comedy festival)
None scheduled
Intiman Theatre / view company profile here
Returning February 2022
Year-round programming (improv)
November: The Matchelorette (11/4-20)
December: Uncle Mike Ruins Christmas (12/3-18)
No companies at this time.
Lakewood Playhouse (Lakewood)
November: Something Wicked This Way Comes (11/4-14); A Christmas Carol … More or Less (11/26-12/19)
None scheduled
Year-round programming & rentals
None scheduled
None scheduled; website is inactive
None scheduled
October: Jasmine Lomax – Thicc Girl Problems: Eating My Feelings (online, 10/15); Valerie Curtis-Newton – My Three Closets (or Surviving the Avalanche) (online, 10/29)
November: Alyssa Keene – Resistance: A Love Story (online, 11/12)
December: Macha Holiday Celebration (online, 12/10)
Currently, all shows are online-only format.
October: Sundaes Outside (10/17)
ManeStage Theatre (Puyallup)
October: James and the Giant Peach (10/8-17); Robin Hood (10/22-31)
November: All Together Now! (11/13)
December: A Christmas Carol (12/10-19)
None scheduled
Mirror Stage / view company profile here
None scheduled
New City Theater (on hiatus)
None scheduled
Northwest Playwrights Alliance (Olympia & others)
October: Last Drive to Dodge (Ashland New Plays Festival, 10/24 livestream; thru 10/31 on demand)
November: The Vampire or The Bride of the Isles (Lee Center for the Arts, 11/10-14)
September: The New Now Festival (9/14-11/6)
October: Faye Driscoll – Come on In (10/8-11/6)
December: The Future Is 0 (with Sub Pop Records, 12/2-4)
November: Beyond Ballet (11/5-7); The Nutcracker (11/26-12/28)
Currently, all shows offer both in-person and livestream options.
None scheduled
Parley / view company profile here
Aposiopesis (10/22-23)
Shows offer both in-person and livestream options; previous streamed shows are available for free viewing .
December: Metamorphoses (12/4-5)
Phoenix Theatre (Edmonds)
November: Inspecting Carol (11/26-12/19)
Pocket Theater (inactive)
None scheduled
What We Were (10/15-11/6)
Pork Filled Productions / view company profile here
November: Resilience! – An AAPI 24-Hr Play Fest (online, 11/13)
None scheduled
November: Headline (11/19-20)
No companies at this time.
None scheduled
None scheduled
None scheduled
Red Curtain Foundation for the Arts (Marysville)
October: And Then There Were None (10/22-11/7)
November: The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s production of A Christmas Carol (11/26-12/19)
Returning in May 2022
Year-round programming and rentals
Renton Civic Theatre (Renton)
December: It’s a Wonderful Life (12/3-18)
None scheduled
None scheduled
Seattle Central College Drama
Returning in February 2022
Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Returning in 2022
Returning in February 2022
December: A Very Drunken Christmas Carol (12/10-12)
Seattle Pacific University Theatre
October: Blood Water Paint (10/28-11/6)
None scheduled; website is inactive
Christmastown: A Holiday Noir (11/26-12/24)
A Very Die Hard Christmas (12/3-30)
December: Public Works – The Winter’s Tale (12/16-19)
Currently, all shows offer both in-person and livestream options.
None scheduled
Year-round programming and rentals
November: The Vampire or The Bride of the Isles (11/10-15)
SecondStory Repertory Theatre (Redmond)
None scheduled
December: Ghosts: A Festival of Original One-Act Plays (12/10-11)
Shoreline Community College Theater (Shoreline)
December: Lost Girl (12/3-5)
None scheduled; website is currently closed for renovations
None scheduled
None scheduled
October: Making Waves: Fall Festival (10/21-11/13)
October: Occurrence #10 (10/28-11/14)
December: The Harlem Nutcracker (Workshop 3) (12/9-12)
Strawberry Theatre Workshop / view company profile here
November: BeatleConcert (11/11-13)
December: A Charlie Brown Christmas (12/12)
Tacoma Arts Live (Tacoma) / view company profile here
November: Festival Latinx: Esperanza (11/13); Tribes (11/4-21)
Year-round programming and rentals
Tacoma Little Theatre (Tacoma) / view company profile here
October: Clue: On Stage (10/22-11/7)
December: The Wizard of Oz (12/10-31)
Tacoma Musical Playhouse (Tacoma)
November: Cinderella (11/26-12/19)
Tacoma Opera (Tacoma)
Returning in February 2022
Take a Stand Theatre (Vashon Island)
December: Mothers and Sons staged reading (12/4)
Taproot Theatre / view company profile here
November: Babette’s Feast (11/10-12/30)
Returning in 2022
None scheduled
None scheduled
Theater Schmeater (inactive)
None scheduled
None scheduled
Theatre33 (Bellevue) (Russian/English bilingual)
Current production information is in Russian; see site for details
None scheduled
Theatre Battery (Kent)
None scheduled
November: The Matchelorette (11/4-20, with Jet City Improv)
December: Scott Shoemaker’s War on Christmas! (12/2-24, with Shoes and Pants Productions)
Year-round programming and rentals
None scheduled
Tint (annual dance festival)
None scheduled
December: Land of the Sweets: The Burlesque Nutcracker (12/8-29)
Year-round programming and rentals
December: It’s a Wonderful Life – A Live Radio Show (12/10-19)
Year-round programming (improv)
University of Puget Sound Theatre Arts (Tacoma)
October: Life Is a Dream (10/29-11/6)
Director’s Lab (12/6-7)
University of Washington Drama
November: The Importance of Being Earnest (11/12-21)
University of Washington Undergraduate Theatre Society (UTS)
Fall: 10 Minute Play Festival (dates and info TBA)
Note: Seattle-based, but at Oregon Shakespeare Festival for 2022 season
Valley Center Stage (North Bend)
December: A Christmas Carol (12/3-19)
Vashon Repertory Theatre (Vashon Island)
Returning in February 2022
November: Night Light: Beaver Moon @ Cafe Racer (11/19)
Village Theatre (Issaquah & Everett)
November: Welcome Home: A Holiday Concert (11/19-12/5, Everett)
December: Welcome Home: A Holiday Concert (12/8-26, Issaquah); KIDSTAGE/Village Originals Collaboration – Commissioned Musical (12/17-19)
None scheduled
None scheduled
Year-round programming and rentals
Returning in January 2022
Returning in November 2022
None scheduled
Woodinville Repertory Theatre (Woodinville)
None scheduled
No companies at this time.
None scheduled
No companies at this time.
Don’t See Your Company or Shows Listed?
If your company doesn’t have a profile linked on the Companies page, please email NWTheatre.org@gmail.com with the subject line “Company Profile” to request a questionnaire. If you have shows scheduled that aren’t listed above, email info (including dates, description, and ticket link) to the same address.
Coverage is limited to King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Thurston counties. Please note, we do not actively cover all performance types at this time. (Currently, we cover very little in variety, children’s programming, comedy, and burlesque, for example.)