The Sunless Scar @ ACT (Downtown Seattle)
In a post-apocalyptic world, environmental damage has turned air and light into poison. To appease the gods in keeping with ancestral traditions, regular “sacrifices” are made in the form of young villagers being thrown into a deep crater called the Sunless Scar, from which there is no escape. But instead of certain death, the Scar turns out to contain safety, community, and light in a way that the harsh surface never could. Should the denizens of the pit try to climb out and escape? And what exactly will they be escaping to? Join us for a thrilling speculative fiction adventure that explores how we honor ourselves and our past, and what we’re willing to risk for an uncertain future.
An ACT Young Core Company production. Written by Maggie Lee. Directed by Shana Bestock.
Tickets (pay-what-you-choose available for all) here.