In Between (staged reading) – Yun Theatre @ Center Theatre (Seattle Center)
This special event offers a unique opportunity to delve into the intricate themes of immigration and migration. During a staged reading, talented playwrights and directors come together to bring their selected plays to life in an intimate and engaging manner. With minimal staging and props, the focus is placed on the powerful words and performances, creating an immersive experience for the audience. By choosing immigration-related plays for the staged reading, we aim to shed light on the diverse narratives and challenges faced by individuals caught in the complexities of cultural transitions.
From a competitive pool of 170 global submissions from playwrights all over the world, Yun Theatre selected 7 plays for the production In Between: A Collection of Short Plays, August 15-27. (See production event here.) To honor the outstanding quality of the submissions, an additional six plays will be presented in a staged reading on the afternoon of August 19th.
Location: Center Theatre (Seattle Center Armory, lower level)
Reading info here.