Finding Trails: Intersections (short plays) – ACT Young Core Company @ Northwest Folklife (Seattle Center)
This international new play development on environmental themes pairs ACT’s Young Core Company members with creative writing students at the University of Vienna. Four new plays presenting a global perspective on environmental issues are part of this year’s Northwest Folklife Festival.
The four featured plays are:
A Lesson in Patience
by Lucia Brau, Yara Csillag, Aurel Hauser
by Katharina Waltl, Julia Warisch, Marcus Sarliden, Leona Vracar
Ever After?
by Anna Veress, Elisabeth Schmuckenschlager, Emma Schilling, Sa Wöbking
In The Woods
by Kim Battmer, Marie-Thérèse Hartwig, Anna Rastinger
Directed, Acted, and Designed by the Ensemble: Tessa Hanson, Lorelai Kaplan, Alphie Alloway, Dylan Nican Olinger, Nora Pratt, Enza Fammartino, Olivia Kent-Horton, Neve Tuttle, Hersh Powers
Shana Bestock, ACT Artistic Associate & YCC Director
Produced in partnership with Penguin Productions
Location: Center Theatre (Seattle Armory, lower level)
No tickets required. Folklife festival admission is by donation. Show info here.