Mrs. Loman Is Leaving (reading) @ ACT Contemporary Theatre (Downtown Seattle)
It’s opening night of Death of a Salesman at the Teacup Theatre in New York. Two actors returning to the stage after many years have a lot riding on this bare-bones off-Broadway production. George Ratcliffe, playing Willy, wants the public to remember him from his theatrical glory days; Joanne Rogers, playing Linda, wants the public to finally meet the talent she mothballed for motherhood. But what happens when life imitates art and one of them suffers a break with reality, hallucinating and conversing with long-dead relatives before the curtain has even gone up?
Written by Katie Forgette; directed by Jeff Steitzer. Part of ACT’s New Works Northwest festival.
Tickets $5-$50 (pay-what-you-choose available for all) here.